Principles of personal data protection

Good people of the Languedoc - Albigensiens

Principles of personal data protection


Our web uses cookies to support it functionalities. Each user makes a decision to enable their browser to store cookies in the end instrument in the settings of their PC or their web browser. These settings can be considered as a consent with personal data processing. The browser is a tool to process such consent. This consent meets the criteria set in article 4 point 11 of GDPR – it is freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous. The legal regulation of cookies is currently defined by Electronic Communications Act (No. 127/2005 Coll.) as subsequently amended (ECA), ECA transposes the EU regulatory framework in force – ePrivacy which will be the specific regulation for GDPR. Cookies are specifically governed by Articles 89(1) and 89(3) of ECA.  These are transposing Article 5(3) of ePrivacy and which was amended by regulation 2009/136/ES (transposed by Act No. 468/2011 Coll.). Our web is designed in line with all valid regulations and cookies are used solely for the purposes of web operation and they are not shared with any third party.

Personal data and GDPR

We must process a limited amount of personal data in order to operate our e-shop and to enable registration for our games. By confirming your registration you give consent to Tomáš Houška (with registered office at Václavkova 2, Prague 6, Czech Republic) to process your data as a data controller In line with the Czech Personal Data Protection Act (No. 101/2000 Coll., further referred to as “the Act”). Your personal data will be used for purposes of the realization and organization of the game you are registering for. 

The data controller of our e-shop is Tomáš Houška, commercial register no. 14997371, Václavkova 2, Praha 6. You can contact us through  contact form.

The term “personal data” refers to data provided through registration or order form, specifically name, surname, mobile phone number, email and all other information provided through the form. 

The personal data will be processed by the data controller manually in the closest circle of the organizers. The data will not be provided to any third party. 

The consent is given for indefinite time. The period of data processing differs depending on the purpose of processing, for more details, see below.

In line with valid regulation, the users have a right to access their personal data processed by the data controller (namely right to information about the purpose of data processing, the extent of personal data processing, the manner of data processing and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed). The controller will provide this information without undue delay for an appropriate fee not exceeding the cost of providing such information. a copy of the personal data undergoing processing.

If the users find out that the data processing is contrary to the principles of personal data protection or in breach of valid law, they have a right to ask the data controller or the data processor authorized by the data controller to provide explanation and to rectify the situation. 

Your personal data provided in the order on our e-shop is processed for the following purposes:

  • Game registration
  • Order processing, delivery and returns
  • Newsletter

Game registration 

Data provided in your registration form (including name, surname, email, phone number and all other information provided in the registration form) is processed solely for the purpose of realization and organization of the game for which the registration was submitted. In addition to that, your name, surname and email will be used for the purpose of circulation of our newsletter. The data will be processed for an indefinite period. After the game you have registered for takes place, your personal data will only be used for newsletter purposes and your registration form data might be used again if you later register for any of our games again.  Your email might be shared with mailing client and application Mailchimp only for the purpose of sending out our newsletter. No other personal data is shared with a third party.

The tools used for the registration are Google Forms, Google Docs and Gmail. 


Data provided in your order (including name, surname, email, delivery address, phone number, bank account number, ordered items and their price) will be used for purposes of order, delivery and returns processing. For these purposes, your data is processed only for the warranty period. After the expiry of warranty period, only your name, surname and email will be used for the purpose of circulation of our newsletter for an indefinite period. Your email might be shared with mailing client and application Mailchimp only for the purpose of sending out our newsletter. No other personal data is shared with a third party.

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