The castle and the town below belong to the family de Quillan. They were never involved with Cathars but didn’t help the catholisation and inquisition pursuing them either. There’s no particular evidence that the inquisition or the king could use to blame them, but they’re definitely not the most popular family in France. However, de Quillan is and old Occitan family with many bonds to the shire, whereas other lords from nearby manors who came to the shire during the reign of the earl Simon Montfort, are sort of immigrants.
Thus for the time being, there is the family of lords de Quillan in Quillan manor of course, then also the group of Templars who have come to the wedding and have certain links to the family as well. There are also two Dominican friars amongst the visitors who have come to conduct an inquisitional investigation, for the local priest had been anonymously accused of impious and disgraceful behaviour. Quillan has also offered a temporary shelter for nuns from the nearby Benedictine abbey that had been destroyed during the wars.
Then there are also other citizens who live in the town, of course. For special occasions like wedding, for example, even peasants, merchants and other people from vicinity come to the town.

Francois’s housekeeper. She’d helped raising up the two young lords but then for some reason she was dismissed from the service. Francois, though, fell under

Agnes is the maid of Isabela de Mirepoix. She does her best to provide care and comfort to her lady. That, however, doesn’t prevent her

Gaspar’s wife, a peasant women. She and her husband supply the castle and the covent with food. But the supplies are often being delayed, lately.

The warden’s son. He’s a smart and bright boy. He doesn’t get on particularly well with his parents and even despises them a bit. He’s

Anna is a musician living in the court of Baux. She’s managed to reach the status of the court musician and poetess. But it’s not

Arnaud is an old experienced Dominican friar. One of contemporary witnesses of St. Dominic. He looks after his younger fellow friar and is also in

This girl is a stranger to Quillan. She belongs with the group of comedians invited to the wedding by the nobility. If there’s a party

Avril is a young girl and a daughter of the local baker. In contrast with the reputation of her father, she’s a gentle girl that

Bartolome is the baker of Quillan. Some might say he’s a bit of a grumpy but he’s a good person inside. His wife died years

Beatrix de Mirepoix
Young lady from a noble family. She’s Roger’s bride and is thrilled to get married. The wedding is all that matters. She’s used to order

Old beggar, one of many refugees trying to settle here after the wars. He is said to have lost a house and his family during

Bertrand de Rennes
Old and wise Templar knight, lord of the Rennes-le-Chateau manor and a relative of lords de Quillan. He’s seen so much cruelty and atrocity that