Good people of Languedoc 1262 larp

Sung church services. Atmospheric experiences of authentic Middle Ages


Atmospheric emotional, and dramatic costume LARP set in the Middle Ages


“Embark on a captivating journey through time with our immersive Live Action Role-Playing experience! Step into the authentic world of a medieval town and castle, where you’ll savor traditional cuisine, embrace the roles of well-crafted characters, and uncover hidden secrets in an era vastly different from our own. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable weekend, complete with stunning costumes, professional photography, and the enchanting atmosphere of the past. Book now to be part of this unique adventure!”

Come and experience it for yourself on 13-16. March 2025



Registration is open until all 56 players are assigned a character. Players are enrolled based on the time of their registration (first comes, first served). Those who register after the capacity is reached will be placed on a waiting list in case of someone dropping out. Organizers will assign characters to players based on their preferences indicated in the registration form.

Each player receives a choice of 4 characters and they must send them back in order of preference. The final casting is performed by the organizers.

Feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook page or email with any questions you may have.


sign up



  • The authentic atmosphere of a medieval town, with all its joys and worries, including its dark side.
  • A weekend in a medieval castle
  • Authentic cuisine
  • The chance to enter a medieval society that is vastly different from our own.
  • Friendly, playful and experienced organisers ensure smooth running of the game. We do this because we enjoy your company.
  • Costumes will be provided. (If you’d like to wear your own costume, please consult with us about it.)
  • Well-thought-out characters that have been refined over seven previous runs of the game
  • Professional photographers will take stunning costume photos of you.
  • We will be glad to pick you up at bus station in Jihlava, Prague airport, or Brno whichever will be the best possible option (see design document).



  • It is not a game focused on winning
  • You won’t be creating your own characters; we will provide characters with deep backgrounds for you.
  • The roles are not gender-neutral, as we will be portraying a medieval society that is often intolerant, patriarchal, sexist, and homophobic. These themes are even included in the scripts of some of the characters.
  • It’s not a larp battle
  • The plots aren’t transparent; many of the characters have various secrets to play with, and there’s an element of surprise when revealing them.

A bit more information about the game.

Is safety considered in the game?

Yes, safety is a top priority and we have years of experience. For more details, please refer to the design document.

Is it difficult to get to the castle?

No, we offer pick-up service from Prague or Brno airport and the nearest train station.

How much does the game cost?

490 – 690 EUR

The cost is between 490-690 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation. Discounts are available for early check-in and payment. Visit the pricing page for more details.


What is included in the

Albigensiens - Good people of the Languedoc - larp